I live in beautiful South Carolina and this past weekend was
just gorgeous outside. So … I turned off the computer and visited some heritage
events for a taste of past generations. We spend so much time researching to
find little tidbits of information about our ancestors and their lives that it
is easy to forget about the circumstances they lived in. Their time in history
shaped their lives, choices, and families.
Our first event was a sugar cane juicing and boiling
celebration in Coward, SC. The Russ Brothers farm was opened to the public and
on this crisp Saturday morning the smell of fresh sugar cane being boiled down
in 100 gallon vats was intoxicating. They used a piece of equipment from 1905
to press the juice from the cane. It was a real treat to step back over 100
years to this early process for industrialized sugar production. We then were
able to sample this syrup on free pancakes, biscuits, and sausage while
marveling at how lucky we were to be a part of this local tradition. The day
was so enjoyable we decided to venture on to a local living history farm for a
full fall farm experience.

Many of my relatives lived on farms through the 18th,
19th, and into the early 20th centuries. I hadn’t been on
a farm in years and it was nice to spend the rest of the day there without having
to actually do all the work! It was easy to see the need for large families.
The L.W.Paul Living History Farm has a sawmill, blacksmith, gristmill,
smokehouse, tobacco barn, sugar cane pot (60 gallons), and other barns and out
buildings. There is even a small chapel. Last Saturday was particularly active
with sugaring, smoking, tool making, plowing, cotton picking, yarn dying,
sawing, smoking, and various “putting up” activities. This work would have been
vital activities to our ancestors. It was especially interesting listening to
one grandmother explain each of these processes to her grandchildren.
I could not help but chuckle as the boys stood wide-eyed
when she told them how they used corn cobs for toilet paper. They thought she
was kidding until another older gentleman corroborated the story and said he
still grabs corn cobs when he goes out hunting – just in case. When I called my
mother later in the day she chuckled, too, and then said – Yes, of course, that’s
what she used, too, as a child.
So – take some time to visit living history centers and
heritage events and absorb some of the daily events your ancestors participated
in as part of their daily life.
Happy Hunting!