All of this means that family history has taken a back seat
to actual family but that’s how it is supposed to be. I also teach two days a
week and prepare all my own materials and course content. It’s a wonderful
opportunity but time consuming. The result is that I can’t blog daily – I imagine
you’ve noticed. I will try to keep to three times a week, though.
Today’s post is about a program called Picasa. I have
mentioned it before but most of us use it for pictures. Did you know you can
use it to capture whole screen shots? If you have Windows Vista or Windows 7 or
a Mac, you’ve been able to cut a piece from anywhere on your screen and do
something else with it. All Windows programs have been able to capture screen
shots but the next few steps to keep a copy of the screen shot are arcane.
Picasa to the rescue!
Open Picasa (a free download from – a Google product) then minimize it. When you
find a screen you want a copy of, click the “print screen” key on your computer.
(Note: the “ALT-PrintScreen” key combination will capture just the active
window.) You will see Picasa capture the screen and store it in a folder called
“screen captures” inside the Picasa folder in the (my)Pictures folder on your
computer. The best thing is that the screenshots are captured in sequence by
time so they are always in the order in which you progresses through the
original screens. Once they are in Picasa you can caption them, rename them, edit
them, crop them, type text on them, e-mail them, or even create a slide show
(with one click!!!), etc. Picasa lets you do anything to these screen shots
that you can do to a picture.
OK, so why would you want to do this? It’s a slick way of
creating a slide show from different source documents. It’s easy to use for
teaching or demonstrating. You can add text to any slide and captions allow you
to be precise with directions. Once you have a sequence of screen shots you can
put them in an album in Picasa are re-arrange them in any order. You can make a
gift CD or movie for someone with this free powerful piece of software. (Note:
Family Tree Maker users can also run a slide show of their Family Tree Maker
media files.) Picasa has so many uses that I’ll have to share more, later.
Happy Hunting!